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1 Translation result for imaginary in Spanish


imaginary adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
imaginary adjective

  • The two groups were separated by an imaginary line down the middle of the room.
  • This book is about an imaginary world of dragons and unicorns.

Synonyms of
imaginary adjective

Detailed synonyms for imaginary adjective

Imaginary, fanciful, visionary, illusory significan irreal o increíble.
  • Imaginary se aplica a algo que es ficticio y que es meramente el producto de la imaginación de uno <all his illnesses are imaginary>.
    antonyms: actual, real
  • Fanciful connota algo afectado o creado por el libre juego de la imaginación <the fanciful characters of "Alice in Wonderland">.
    antonyms: realistic
  • Visionary se aplica a una cosa que parece ser real y práctica a aquél que la concibe, pero que es poca práctica o imposible de realizar <visionary schemes for building a new city in the jungle>.
  • Illusory connota estar basado en algo que no es verdadero o real <an illusory sense of security>.
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Reverse translation for imaginary

imaginario  - imaginary